Sunday, April 17, 2011

Going Abroad Part 1

People have often told us that traveling is the true test of a relationship. If you can travel together well, so they say, then things will be just fine. It probably has to do with the stresses that come from prolonged time with one person, unfamiliar surroundings, communication breakdowns, and the host of things that inevitably do NOT go according to plan when spending time on the road. Instead, however, we choose to see this formula as the perfect combination for a good story. And our honeymoon had more than a few...

We were blessed by the overflowing generosity of our parents with the perfect wedding and a timeshare in Spain for our honeymoon. After arriving in Barcelona, we checked in at our hotel where we were mistaken for important people and welcomed with red carpet treatment. Our undeserved status afforded us access to the "elite zone"... That's right, elite zone. Clearly they had no idea who we actually were. We chose not to ask questions, but instead to speak in British accents and refill our complimentary tea and juice as often as possible. When a nice gentlemen brought us free ice cream that night, we decided once and for all that the elite zone was awesome...

Welcome to "Barthelona" as we say with impeccable accent!  More stories to come...

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