Sunday, April 24, 2011

From the Bottom of Our Hearts

It's been almost four months since our wedding, and we are still in the process of expressing our unending gratitude for the gracious outpouring of love and support from all of YOU - our dear friends and family.

The other day, we received a large envelope in the mail.  The logo on the envelope gave it away, and we eagerly tore it open...  The envelope was from Generosity Water, the nonprofit organization that built the well in Ghana that so many of you paid for.

With tears in our eyes, we read how this village had previously been without clean water.  Everyday, they would walk three kilometers each way to wait in line for clean water.

Thanks to your generosity and love, 800 people now have easy access to clean water!  Take a minute to really think about the weight of that reality.

They say that a picture is worth a thousand words.  And in this case, we would have to agree:

We don't have anything to say besides thank you, thank you, thank you.  The inscription reads, "From our family to yours" - the smiles on their faces are all thanks to you.

All our love,
Craig & Jen

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