Monday, April 18, 2011

Going Abroad Part 2: APES!

Our timeshare was a mere 90 minute drive from the rock of Gibraltar so visiting the rock quickly jumped to the top of our "must do" list. In case you don't know much about the rock (which we didn't), it is a big huge gigantic enormous rock. That's the best way i can think to describe it. If you don't believe me, here's a picture...

See what I mean???  Here we are on the top...

Anyway, the rock is the southwestern tip of Europe, and Europe likes to bicker over it. Every few centuries they get into a tiff and fight for control of the rock. Currently it is held by the British Royal Crown (God save the Queen!), and is technically its own country, aptly named Gibraltar. The country of Gibraltar has one city, called Gibraltar... It seems that creativity is not a strength of Gibraltarians, and just so there's no confusion, we will henceforth refer to the rock by it's full name at all times: The Rock of Gibraltar, Gibraltar, Gibraltar.

While visiting The Rock of Gibraltar, Gibraltar, Gibraltar, we learned that they speak English, as you may or may not expect. Pulling up to the border crossing, i rolled down the window and greeted the officer with an enthusiastic "¡Hola!" to which he replied "Hi, welcome to Gibraltar." Making me feel like an idiot.

We also learned that in addition to being passionate about the name Gibraltar, Gibraltarians are also very passionate about these little creatures called Barbary Apes. These gremlins live on The Rock of Gibraltar, Gibraltar, Gibraltar, and legend has it that as long as they remain there, Britain will retain control of the rock (The Rock of Gibraltar, Gibraltar, Gibraltar that is).

Due to this legend and the aforementioned love of rock and country, Winston Churchill placed a protection over the apes and they now enjoy two meals per day compliments of the British taxpayers... It's like an elite zone for apes.

Driving onto The Rock of Gibraltar, Gibraltar, Gibraltar, the apes were everywhere! As soon as we parked the car, we ran into a Portuguese speaking employee who was hand feeding the apes little bread crumbs from his pocket.

He motioned for us to do the same and gave Jen some crumbs. The apes saw this crumb transfer take place and quickly began to take a liking to Jen. One climbed on her arm, looked her straight in the eyes and bit her on the hand!!

An hour or so later we saw this sign...

Blasted apes.

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